World Wide KindleFire - Enjoy Amazon's Contents Wherever you are

About a month and a half ago i was in the US for a business trip.
at those days Amazon just released her new book reader/ media player/ android tablet - Kindle Fire.

The kindle Fire is an amazing device annd with the price of 200$ it is a very strong competitor to the Ipad and Galaxy Tab.

When purchasing a Kindle Fire you get a month free of Amazon's Prime which is the paid members program of Amazon giving you discounts, privilages and access to free media.

The only problem with that for me was that as soon as i left the US and flew back home that membership became useless to me since you can only use it when in the US.

So i kept using my Kindle but that feel of disappointment never left me alone until i got this new application called "World Wide KindleFire".

This application simply makes Amazon think i am right there in the US and i can enjoy all their amazing content!

By getting a fresh list of proxies every time and temporarily unrooting my device  this application covers all i need to enjoy my Prime membership - all for the price of 0.99$

I had already renewed my Amazon Prime membership- Worth every dollar spent!
I lay in bed watching episodes of "24" or National Geographic programs.

Amazon gives great video quality and response times.
The content keeps getting bigger and wider.

To Conclude 
- If you want a great tablet to watch videos and surf the web - Buy a KindleFire.
- If you want to enjoy it outside the US - buy World Wide KindleFire.

here are a few snapshots and a link to the market:

Link to market:

Have Fun!!